If you've been searching for an alternative to Podio that's capable of running your entire business, look no further! We can get your entire Podio organization migrated to Tape in just a few clicks, saving potentially hundreds of hours of build time.


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We will automatically create your Podio Workspaces and Apps, and will then migrate all app items, including their relationships, calculation fields and files.

We will also optionally add all Podio workspace members to their corresponding Tape workspaces.

There are a few Podio data points we do not support. If you require any of the following to be migrated, please don't hesitate to Contact Us for assistance.

Unsupported App Fields

  • Member fields that allow sharing with members outside the workspace
    • Currently in Tape only workspace members can be added to a Member field
  • Vote (Custom or Star) fields
  • Question fields (deprecated in Podio)
  • Workspace Contact fields (deprecated in Podio)

Unsupported Features

  • Comments
  • Tasks
  • Automations (both Workflows and Workflow Automations)
    • Workflow Automation (PWA) migration planned for a future update
  • Tags
  • Tiles/Reports
  • Saved Views
  • Relationship fields pulling from specific saved views
    • The field and contents will migrate, but it will be set to pull from all related app items
  • Individual item sharing

Unsupported Calculation Field Tokens

  • Item ID
    • We automatically add the Podio Item ID to all migrated app items. If needed, this field can be used in your calculations instead.
  • Unique ID
  • Created On
    • This will work for items created after the migration, but will return the date of the migration on everything else
  • Created By
    • Similar to the above, this works for items created after the migration, but will show as the user whose API key was used for the migration on everything else

We do not store the contents of your Podio migration. We keep the following data for internal logging purposes:

  • Organization Name
  • Podio User Name
  • Podio User Email
  • Number of Workspaces Migrated
  • Number of Apps Migrated
  • Number of App Items Migrated
  • Total Size of Files Migrated

During our beta launch, our migration tool is 100% free. As we are Tape referral partners, our goal is to provide a seamless transition to Tape and eliminate some of the cost and complexity of moving to a new tool. Even if you are already working with another Tape partner, we are happy to offer our migration tool for free at this time.

Our migration tool gets straight to work as soon as you kick off the process! The time to complete will highly depend on the amount of Podio data you are transferring. Typically, your workspaces and apps will create within one hour. The data transfer is limited to about 2,000 app items per hour and 250 file transfers per hour due to API rate limits.

As part of the process, you will install our custom Tape workspace, where we will include migration logs for you to follow the progress.

We are happy to help! As a Tape partner, we provide pay-as-you-go setup assistance and can help with anything from basic questions all the way to full implementations

Please don't hesitate to Contact Us anytime!